Wanna Skype?

I love school visits. I mean, I really love them. But if the school is in Saskatchewan or Pocatello, Idaho, say, it's kind of hard for me to get there and back in time to pick up the kids from school. But with Skype (or Google Hangouts) I've been able to enjoy school visits from Texas to Ohio to South Carolina (and a lot of states in between).

Yes, indeed, Skyping rocks! (And the commute time can't be beat.)

So if your class or book club wants to chat about books, or creative writing, or St. Louis Cardinals baseball (just kidding . . . sort of), drop me an email and we'll set something up. There's no cost for the first half hour. As long as you have a couple of scheduling options, we'll find a mutually acceptable time for sure.

All I ask is that participants are somewhat familiar with my work. I have an unfortunate habit of dropping spoiler alerts, which is seriously uncool and apparently untreatable. Don't say I didn't warn you :)